Bharath Guntreddi

I'm a Data Analyst,Data Scientist, Database Engineer and a Photographer

I'm a results-oriented, highly motivated guy with practical knowledge of databases, cloud computing, data science, and the foundations of web development. I'm looking for chances in a fast-paced company where I can advance both professionally and personally and yet make a positive impact on the business. I'm excited to start my career as a data analyst, utilising my love for data-driven insights, solid foundation in data analysis, and statistical skills to add value to organisations. I recently earned a bachelor's degree in data science. I'm eager to show off my skills and support the goals of your organisation.


Data Science

ChatBot makes our day-to-day activities simpler and easier. Successfully made a major project ChatBot using ML and DialogFlow in the internship tasks. Showcasing the data science methodologies implementation of the natural language processing. Made ChatBot using google's DialogFlow and Machine Learning

July 2022 - September 2022

Lead Photographer

OWASP-Student Chapter

Don’t shoot what it looks like. Shoot what it feels like. Successfully Organized many Photography events and other web development drone Competitions, Showcasing my coordinating and event handling skills.

January 2023 - present

Campus Ambassador

COincent (Microsoft & IBM)

The role includes becoming the face of which is a learning and internship platform and influencing many students towards their bright future and improve their skills and knowledge.

November 2022 - Present


Vignan's Institute of Information and Technology

Bachelor of Technology(BTech)
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science(CSE)
2020 - 2024

Narayana Junior College

Higher Secondary

MPC (Maths, Physics and Chemistry)

August 2018 - May 2020

Pragyna Grammar School



August 2018 - May 2020


Here are a few things I am good at:


I realize the importance of good communication and always make sure that we are on the same page.


I believe it's important to stay organized while working and making sure that projects are moving on-track and follow the specified timeline.


I am happy to integrate into your existing team to help get your project implemented and successfully deployed.

Programming Languages & Tools
Languages: Python, C, R, PLSQL, SQL, Javascript, OOP
Web & Databases: StreamLit, CSS, HTML, PHP, MYSQL, DBMS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle
Technologies & Platforms: Tableau, PowerBI, MS EXCEL, MS Word, GitHub, DialogFlow, GCP, Firebase, Jupyter Notebook, VSCode, Heroku, SQL Workbench


OptiSync SCM

This project is all about using SQL in designing and implementing a database system to efficiently manage and optimize the flow of products, information, and resources throughout the supply chain. The Supply chain management involves database design, data ingestion through pipelines, inventory-supply-shipment management and tracking of of the product from resources to the final product delivered in the market and final analysis of the product and improvement.

Pizza Sales Report

The Pizza Sales Report and Dashboard Project is aimed at creating a comprehensive solution for a pizzeria to track and analyze its sales, customer behavior, and performance. This project involves the use of SQL for data management, analysis and draw valuable insights and Power BI for creating interactive dashboards that provide valuable insights to support decision-making and business growth.

SuperStore Sales Forecasting & Report

The "SuperStore Sales Dashboard with Live Forecasting" is a data analytics and visualization project aimed at providing valuable insights and accurate sales forecasting to support the growth and efficiency of a supermarket. This project combines data analysis techniques, interactive dashboard design, and time series analysis to empower decision-makers with actionable information.

ByteSkill Sales Dashboard

ByteSkill Sales analysis and dashboard contains the analysis of the sales data of ByteSkill using SQL and PowerBI dashboard for an ECommerce sales data. The dashboard provides insights into sales performance across different regions around India and product categories, with a focus on clothing, electronics, and furniture.

SQL RFM Sales Analysis

This project serves as a guide to leverage the power of SQL and RFM analysis to gain valuable insights from sales data. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a powerful tool for managing and querying relational databases, while RFM analysis is a technique used to segment customers based on their purchasing behavior.

WaveMote Library

This is a hand gesture based mouse control python library project made using opencv, mediapipe and pyautogui. once you use the functions, then your camera will pop up and can control your mouse based on you hand movement and gestures. The main goal of this project is to make a hand free control of mouse and develop a hustle free future.


This is a hand gesture based mouse control project made using opencv, mediapipe and pyautogui. once you run the code, then your camera will pop up and can control your mouse based on you hand movement and gestures. The main goal of this project is to make a hand free control of mouse and develop a hustle free future..

Lets Grow More Internship

This project is a dynamic webpage containing all the tasks that I have done during my internship with an interactive, seamless and intuitive user experience

Texspeefer tts

This is an interactive text to speech converter which converts our text into AI speech and spells out. Interactive texspeefer made using python and deployed through streamlit. Converts your text into AI speech quickly and efficiently.


Sigma Movies a movie recommendation system build using Machine Learning and content-based training. Which recommends a movie based on the user interest and input movie, and shows similar list of movies.

GamInClub Pro

A dynamic gaming website that shows the information about various PC games and other features. CSS, Javascript and php are used mainly to make it interactive and good looking gaming website.


This is a Text editor project with user interface based on python Tkinter. Tkinter which made it to code a text editor with ease in python and quick and easy to access.

Gganbu WebTech

This a Gganbu website which made to showcase my team and friends skills and their capability with backend and also an interactive website easy to access.

SnapSketch Library

This is a python library containing some set of functions which draws some awesome and cool python turtle graphics the main idea behind this project is I have made a several turtle graphics and to make it easy to access by different users I made it as a python library.Import the functions and give it try.


This is Mary a chatbot project made during my internship in coincent in association with microsoft and IBM. Includes two chatbot's one made using the dialogflow and the other using machine learning and model training.


This project features about the sql injection and how it is caused and the concept of hashing and the ways to prevent it. And contains various hashing algorithms and wifi module.

Web-Scraper Tutor

This project show case how an individual shall work with a web-scraping and extract the desired information for his ML projects and other kind of stuff. The main goal of this project is to make web data extraction easy and accessible to everyone.

Aardha Photography

This as an interactive Photography website project which I have designed for my friend who owns a photo studio and website for its promoting purpose. For any events Photography can visit the site and contact them.

SQL for Data Science and Oracle Tutor


This project contains simple to complex queries and shows how SQL can be served as a Data Science tool and can used for in Data Science. And also contains a set of all Oracle, SQL and SSMS queries and statements and the integration of SQL workbench with VSCode.

Bharath Guntreddi Portfolio

My interactive and responsive portfolio website made using HTML, CSS, javascript, php and firebase for storing the contact details in Realtime and Firestore databases and hosted on Render.

Awards, Certifications & Interests

  • Certified SQL developer and Database Engineer - coursera, sololearn
  • Data Science Methodologies and Machine Learning - Coincent(Microsoft & IBM)
  • Set of 4 certified Google Cloud's skill boost badges.
  • SQL for Data Science and techniques - coursera
  • Python for everybody - coursera
  • A proficient Photographer organized photography events and web and drone competitions.
  • IBM Data Science Methodologies 101 badge form IBM
  • I love Photography and travelling to new places and sorting things.

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